Friday, December 27, 2024

The Sims 4 In Real Life: Bookworm Skill


  Bookworm Skill

  For those of you who don’t know, I’m a huge Sims fan, and I’m especially fond of mods and all sorts of custom content for the game. One thing that has helped me a lot is to use my hyperfixation on this game to help me achieve my own real-life goals: develop habits, stick to plans, improve my personal routine, etc… I’ve used gamification a lot in my life and I love it! One of the things I’ve tried is to use the Sims Skill idea: I’ve used the Fitness Skill to improve my, well, fitness, the Cooking Skills to keep me trying new things in the kitchen, and so on. And, after trying ilkavelle’s “Hobby Aspirations Bundle” (you can get it HERE) that allows you to have aspirations based on your Sim’s hobbies, I decided to make a skill based on the Bookworm Aspiration.

  Now, let me make this clear: this is MY own version of what the Bookworm Skill could be. It isn’t based on anything and, as far as I know, there isn’t a book-reading-related skill in the Sims 4 yet (let me know if you know a mod that allows this!). So, I’ve crafted it to my needs and wants. I see it as a long journey and as a way to keep a bookworm even more motivated to keep bookworming. I also tried making it increasingly harder with each level. Again, this is my preference, you're welcome to change it.

  Feel free to join in on the fun, to use and change this “Skill” as you see fit. I just kindly ask that you credit me (if you post something about it) and I would love if you could reach out and let me know of any changes you’ve made. I always love new suggestions and ideas!


  Before we get into the levels allow me to explain some of the things I wrote:

Join a social media devoted to reading: examples are Litsy, Goodreads, Storygraph, Fable, etc…

Discuss x number of Books: this can be by having conversations with people in real life or posting on social media, creating a blog post, talking about it on a podcast, etc…

Analyse x number of Books: for me, analysing a book is choosing a book (which you might have read or not) and read it with care, read other materials about it, think about the meaning and context of the writing, get to know the author, the history of the book, etc… This is how I use the Sims’ Analyse option in real life but, of course, you can adapt it to your taste and personal goals.

Discuss x number of Book Analysis: after you analyse a book you can write an article about it, or create a post, discuss it with someone, create a podcast episode, etc…

Read x number of Books + read something: I did it like this to make it clear that the + reading wasn't included in the "x number of books", that it was extra reading.

Create art and/or craft based on x number of books: this can be drawings, painting, writing fanfiction, making a bookmarker, creating a new bookcover to protect a favourite book, cook something based on a recipe from a story or a cook-book, crochet, knitting, etc... 

Attend a Book Event: this can be a book reading, book signing, book release, author's Q&A session, etc…)

Give an annotated book as a gift: take your time to read a special book you'd like to give to a friend, and underline passages, write comments, explain why these passages are important to you and why you think they may be interesting for them, write a bit about what you've learned about the book and why it's special, etc... Instead of a letter, let a book (with your annotations) speak for you.

  Also, because I like making lists, I will be listing the books I read when I'm supposed to Read x number of Books. Now, you can do this two ways: you can read the amount of books for each level or just keep adding it up. For example, if I read 5 books in level 1, I can then read 10 more books in level 2, or just read 5 more books, which makes a total of 10. It's up to you. I'll be doing it the hard way, always reading the x number of books for each level from scratch, but that's my choice. 

   Anyway, I hope you enjoy my attempt at bringing the Sims to life with this little real-life game.

Bookworm Skill

Level 1

◻ Read 5 books

◻ Discuss 2 books

◻ Join a social media devoted to reading 

Level 2

◻ Read 10 books

◻ Discuss 5 books

◻ Write 2 book reviews

◻ Get a library card or sign up for an online library

Level 3

◻ Read 15 books

◻ Discuss 10 books

◻ Write 5 book reviews

◻ Analyse 1 book

◻ Join a book club (physical or online)

Level 4

◻ Read 20 books + read a graphic novel

◻ Discuss 15 books

◻ Write 10 book reviews

◻ Analyse 2 books

◻ Get a reading buddy to read 1 book together

Level 5

◻ Read 25 books + read an old classic

◻ Discuss 20 books

◻ Write 15 book reviews

◻ Analyse 5 books

◻ Join and complete a book challenge

Level 6

◻ Read 30 books + read a book about the history of literature

◻ Discuss 25 books

◻ Write 20 book reviews

◻ Analyse 7 books

◻ Discuss 1 book analysis 

Level 7

◻ Read 35 books + read a poetry book

◻ Discuss 30 books

◻ Write 25 book reviews

◻ Analyse 10 books

◻ Discuss 2 book analysis

◻ Attend a book event

Level 8

◻Read 40 books + 1 book with more than 500 pages

◻ Discuss 35 books

◻ Write 30 book reviews

◻ Analyse 12 books

◻ Discuss 3 book analysis

◻ Create art and/or craft based on 1 book

Level 9

◻ Read 45 books + 2 books with more than 500 pages + read a book series + read an author’s whole bibliography

◻ Discuss 40 books

◻ Write 35 book reviews

◻ Analyse 15 books

◻ Discuss 5 book analysis

◻ Create art and/or craft based on 3 books

Level 10

◻ Read 50 books + 5 books with more than 500 pages + read 2 book series + read 3 author’s whole bibliography

◻ Discuss 50 books

◻ Write 50 book reviews

◻ Analyse 20 books

◻ Discuss 10 book analysis

◻ Create art and/or craft based on 5 books

◻ Attend a book event 

◻ Give an annotated book as a gift

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