“Trans and Disabled: An Anthology of Identities and Experiences”
Edited by Alex
Publication Date: January 21st 2025
ARC by NetGalley
Keywords: disability, LGBTQ+, Trans, invisible disabilities, essays, minorities, accessibility, voices, discrimination, love, it gets better, marginalised communities.
This book is an anthology of essays written by members of the disabled and trans (and other) communities, about their experiences as souls and bodies living in the intersection of these two identities in a society that fails to accommodate either.
Perhaps what I most enjoyed was the informal, friendly, casual nature of the language that was used in a lot of essays, making it more intimate and more accessible, like a conversation between friends. Some essays were of a more literary style, both profoundly and beautifully written. Whatever the style employed, they were all a refreshing insight into a community, or group of communities, that are so often overlooked.
As a person who became disabled recently, who was healthy and active before all of this, I am the first to warn about the dangers of ignoring disabled people just because you aren’t one yet. “Yet” being the key word here. A world accessible to disabled people is a world built for everyone. Reading what they have to say can only make you better informed, if not a better person.
I believe the same can be said about being trans. Not that most cis people will become trans, of course, but you have no idea how many friends, family members, loved ones or community members are struggling to come out and try to live as trans people. You may love a trans person right now and not even know it. Perhaps, reading about their experiences in a society so unpleasant to their existence, might just help you understand what those around you are going through (even if you don’t know it yet).
I’m saddened by the feeling that I need to motivate non-disabled cis people to read this book by reminding them that it might turn out they too will be affected by these issues. I believe that we should all listen to the voices around us, care about people and help those less fortunate, regardless of whether we are affected by them or not.
This is a beautiful, insightful book. I recommend it to everyone to read. I truly believe you will be better for it.